Our reputation rests firmly on our core values of integrity and dependability
Our reputation rests firmly on our core values of integrity and dependability
This gorgeous home was an old home, the typical 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom and 1 carport. Just not enough room for a growing family and instead of selling and buying another new home with the same conundrum, the idea was born to renovate. This was a total transformation, we completely gutted everything and installed everything brand new with luxury appliances. Now this family has room to move and grow and also added a bit of privacy to a large family. The added touch of a beautiful oasis outside was just what this family dreamed of, especially while living in the beautiful tropics.
Phone: 0414 153 550
Email: craig@craigcooperbuilders.com.au
283 McLeod Street, Cairns, QLD, 4870
QBSA 1175998
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