Contact Craig Cooper 0414 153 550 or email

Our reputation rests firmly on our core values of integrity and dependability

Contact Craig Cooper 0414 153 550 or email

Our reputation rests firmly on our core values of integrity and dependability

New homes by Craig Cooper Builders Cairns
Building a new house is your opportunity to achieve your ‘Dream’ home

With Craig Cooper Builders we can turn your dream home into a luxury oasis.

Craig and his team like to be involved from the planning phase onward. We are more than happy to work with your architect or designer to make whatever is on your wish list come true.

We will work with your existing plans and if we can help with creative ideas, we’ll put those forward, but it is always you who decides.

Building a new home is an emotionally charged experience not to mention a financial one. Everyone has a budget and we do everything we can to stay within it while at the same time using only quality materials to produce outstanding results that stand the test of time.

Our clients appreciate our commitment to stay in contact throughout every phase of the planning and building process to ensure there is the minimum amount of stress on everyone involved.


Why risk choosing a builder who is only as good as their current subcontractors?
Check out some of our feature project galleries
New Home Build
Ragamuffin Quay, Bluewater Estate
Home Extension
McLeod Street, Cairns North
Complete Transformation
Kevin Street, Edge Hill
Total Renovation
Adam Drive, Whitfield
Or view all of our galleries here
Contact Craig Cooper Builders Cairns
We have the capacity to handle projects of any scale, from minor renovations through to brand new homes

Phone: 0414 153 550


283 McLeod Street, Cairns, QLD, 4870
QBSA 1175998

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